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Meet our speaker Angelo Grieco, Deputy Head of Unit at DG JUSTICE, Unit E.3


Angelo Grieco is Deputy Head of Unit at the Directorate General for JUSTICE and Consumers, European Commission (Unit E.3 Consumer Enforcement and Redress).

At our event he will share his experience of CO-OPERATION AND CONSUMER PROTECTION IN THE EU on the panel with Brigitte Acoca from the OECD, Hugh Stevenson from the FTC and Boniface Kamiti from the Competition Authority of Kenya. The panel takes place at 11:30 GMT (London time) on 17.03.2022. Registration for this event is free but essential: Registrations close on 17.03.2022 at 07:30 London time.

Mr Grieco is a qualified lawyer with international experience both in the private and public sectors.

He joined the European Commission in 2006 and worked as a legal adviser on consumer matters in the team responsible for misleading advertising and unfair commercial practices. In 2014 he was seconded to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to work on enforcement of U.S. consumer law. In 2014 he was appointed Deputy Head of the Enforcement Unit of Directorate General for Justice and Consumers.

Before joining the Commission, Mr Grieco worked as an antitrust lawyer for a leading American Wall Street Firm and in the field of commercial law and contracts. He spent part of his legal training working for the Merger Task Force of Directorate General for Competition.



Project led by

Prof. Christine Riefa



University of Reading 

School of Law, Foxhil House 

Whiteknights Campus 

Reading RG6 6BA

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